C-Body DryDock
Trouble with site
Fri Dec 18 2015, 05:47AM
A couple members are reporting sporadic issues connecting to the site. So far we have been unable to pin point the reason. It could be the site, or it could a variety of things between the user and the site.

If you encounter a problem accessing the site, specially if it has to do with a 403 error, please email "help at cbodydrydock dot com". Please include the browser you are using, and the IP address of the device you are using. The easiest way to find the IP address is to visit https://www.whatismyip.com/ OR Google "what is my ip address".
Site tweaks
Thu Oct 22 2015, 03:16PM
Just a notice that I will be making some changes to the routing of the domain name in the next few days. It should be transparent, but you never know. The change will run traffic through a CDN, which could potentially provide some performance increases, specially for our folks outside of North America. As always, if you see something weird, let me know.

Calendars for 2015
Mon Dec 15 2014, 09:41PM
I am happy to announce that calendars for 2015 are now available for purchase at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/cbodydrydock. Lulu offers some great options, the first being a better price! Additionally it is also possible to offer versions with Canadian holidays, for our friends up north. There are 5 different versions available.

As always, all proceeds go towards keeping the lights on around here. This year is going to cost considerably more than normal. The site has to finally finish it's migration to new software. I have been messing with it for a while, but it is critical it happens soon. I have almost no faith in the platform going forward, as it appears abandoned and near impossible to improve on. The big cost is going to be in preserving the 9 years of history, and migrate that content to a new database. I have a solution, it is just going to cost several hundred dollars.
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