So it feels like the carb is going on my ride. Won't hold RPM at idle, stalls after braking from speed, pops and backfires a bit. I made sure there were no vac leaks, and played with the mix it running (poorly) with one screw all the way in and the other all the way out. Anyone got a line on a vendor for rebuild kits or rebuilt carb? It's a holley, dunno if it's stock or not, maybe the original was a carter? did some google searching and got a few leads but that I'd bring it out to the experts first !thumb
Joined: Mon Jul 23 2007, 06:03PM
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Posts: 471
Are we talking 4 bbl or 2 bbl? The stock 4bbl would have been a Thermoquad (Carter) of the BEST carbs made and well worth keeping in my opinion.
The 2bbl would be the Holley (crap).
If you feel intimidated rebuilding the carb yourself, then grab the yellow pages and start your search. A competent mechanic will be able to get it done. I'm lucky and there's a local place called "the carburator shop" here, manned by old guys that know carbs well...I've sent all of my TQs and 2 bbl Holley (crap) to them with excellent results...cheaper than a new carb.
Thanks Lister it is a holley 2bbl (apparantly crap)! I bought another (rebuilt) from NAPA, brought it back because the float kept sticking (crap) then they told me they could get no more from holley. I'm not intimidated by rebuilding it, done it before on my chevys, but I can't find a kit....think I saw "the carburator shop" online too...
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If budget allows you should consider upgrading to a stock cast iron spread bore intake adn original style thermoquad. You would probably pick up some fuel mileage as well witht his upgrade, and as a bonus you get the BOAAAAAHHHHH secondary kickdown.
I have TQ's on my 87 ram and the wagon. I personally love the TQ's, one of the best carbs IMHO.
Hey now that's some good car porn in that first paragraph! Unfortunatly, the $400 for the thermoquad and $200 for new intake does not sit well with the wife....still looking for a rebuild kit for the holley carb #R7024A
If you can't find the kit thru any of the local parts houses, try Isgro Carb @ 1-516-783-1041. He's out of New York. I've used him for the last few years for kits I can't get local.
Joined: Mon Jul 23 2007, 06:03PM
Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
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$400 for a TQ??? If that's the case I have a few I'm willing to sell....seriously, though, new and rebuilt TQs pop on Ebay for @100 all the time....I imagine a good stock cast iron intake could be had for @ $25-50.
The only thing left is a4bbl air cleaner and you have a stock set-up...not a sexy as an edelbrock intake but the stockers flow extremely well and no more 2bbl.
Thanks flathead - Larry at Isgro Carb had my kit (made it 1983, stored at his mothers house!) and mailed it for 35 bucks plus shipping. Told me not to mail him a check unless it's what I wanted. He set me right up, I now reccomend him !banana and thanks Lister the TQ and cast iron intake aqre on the "wish list"!
Joined: Fri Mar 09 2007, 02:34PM
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Another solution might be a carter bbd, which in my opinion is the best 2bbl. I dont like 2 bbl holleys, or any holleys really, because of the hesitation. Motorcraft 2 bbls are junk, but not as bad as the 4 bbls, and even rochester 2 bbls are not that great.
For a 383, you would use a 1 1/2" throttle bore, dont know about the linkage issue.