Jon I have to find a spare choken stat to show you. It's never perfect, but it puts you in the ball park.
The choke has to be set when the engine is cold. Once the stat see warmth, it's over for at least 8 hours. First determine that choke is working freely. 2nd make sure the vacuum pull off is functioning. When it starts, is it running too lean or too rich. I think you know the signs. . .
Doing this on most 4BBl's is tough. The stat is burried under the carb. But this sounds like a typicle big block. . .
The choke pull off engages after the car starts. It is vacuum operated. It pulls the choke partially open, against the choke spring. As the spring reacts to temperature, it will pull the choke open even more until completely open. Do you have the round choke spring chamber on the side of the carb? Or is it in the block like the carters??? Steve Don't make me come down there. . . . . <span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Thu Dec 08 2005, 04:28PM ]</span>
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Location: Jersey, the only state that doesn't need the New...
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man am I ever. Backfiring.... and NOW stalling too.... at acceleration it either a backfire or a full bog and stall, almost got creamed today merging onto a busy road... Scary stuff especially with the grounds the way they are... i.e. Poorly plowed and icy.
Joined: Wed Oct 12 2005, 12:21PM
Location: Jersey, the only state that doesn't need the New...
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Not really chugging black smoke, definately smokes a lil tho, like its too rich? and no she doesnt like to start, starts and stalls usually in 4 seconds... after warmed up she idles nice, maybe a little fat but no rough and definately nicer than when cold, still tho cold or hot at partial pedal it just stalls or Boom...
Joined: Tue Oct 11 2005, 04:38PM
Location: Grandville,MI
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My 66 Newport does that too when cold 850 (I was told by previous owner) Edelbrock electric choke 383 cid. When I take off it "Pops" or sneezes out the carb when its cold if I take off with any athority at all,starts right back up easily when it warms up I can stand on it and its fine. when cold smooth idle no smoke just pops out the carb and dies? Glad I'm not the only one but I would like to know how to fix it any help would be apprciated.