Looking to rewire and it won't be stock. However, I'd rather not splice to the original connectors. I'd much prefer to remove the terminal from the connector and replace. To whit, is there a list of common terminals used in the mid 60's ChyCo cars? And where would one fine it?
Joined: Thu Oct 14 2021, 11:37AM
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Posts: 72
Mopar cars use Packard terminals, at least they did in the fuselage era. I can't speak for the 60s cars but would guess the same?
Check out Rhode Island Wiring - you can order individual terminals and the plastic connectors. I think they sell the crimping tools now too. These are referred to as double barrel crimp. Originally the terminals were not soldered to the wires at the factory but I like to add a dab of solder to seal against corrosion and make them bullet proof.
Once you get a bunch of spade terminals, connectors, and the proper tools, along with skill and practice, you can achieve professional results on all your wiring needs.
Well that's kind of why I'm asking, 58's, 59's, REEL? There's a bunch of options out there. Knowing which are correct and gauge is crap shoot for me at this point. As far as crimping, and such, I'm fairly competent in that regard and have the correct tools. Though I normally am in the Metripack, or Deutsch world.
Joined: Thu Oct 14 2021, 11:37AM
Location: 93401
Posts: 72
Per the following link there are two sizes of terminals depending on the gauge of wiring you're working with. See "GM" blades after you scroll down....