Hey Guys I made my horn work with the original buttons finally but I found out it just honks while ignition is off. As soon as I turn the key the honk won´t do nothing anymore.
Following the fsm wiring diagram I have no clue what could cause this problem because ignition circuit shouldnt effect horn circuit .
All other electric stuff works fine, key buzzer works well. NOS Horn/key buzzer relay just installed. Wiring checked for continuity.
Joined: Thu Oct 14 2021, 11:37AM
Location: 93401
Posts: 72
That makes no sense, the horn circuit should not be routed through the ignition switch at all as the diagram illustrates. I'll bet it's something in the steering column wiring. Make sure there are no bare wires which could be causing any gremlins to do this..... Try to operate the horns with a test tire while the ign is on.
My gess iz that therez a relay and its wired thru the ignition coil hi or low voltaj wire.
A kwik way to check: lissin for a klik wen you hit the button. It mite be under the dash or under the hood. Its really hard to trase where the wirez go, so run a jumper directly to the battery from the relay.