My first Chrysler landed in my stable this week. A beautiful 67 300 with a 440. Its very well sorted out by previous owners but has sat for a coupe years and I am getting to know it a bit. Monday I was driving it for probably the 3rd or 4th time. She runs and drives excellent. I parked on a very slight downhill slope and walked away. nose down, tail up. A few minutes later my neighbor came over to inform me the car was leaking fuel pretty bad. Sure enough I spotted the leak and put a catch can under it. Here is the strange part, it was coming from driver rear side, and I swear the river was coming from inside the frame rail and out a bottom frame hole. The car had never leaked when parked flat. I flipped positions and posted the nose uphill and the leak stopped. Blacktop is hammered.... I put the car on my 4 post lift and I cannot for the life of me figure out how fuel would arrive there. I see the tank vents and everything is more passenger side. Tank is half full and it wasnt that hot out. Gas cap is not vented. There is no fuel line near where the leak was, and for fuel to get from the vent I located to the other side of the car, it would seem to require defying gravity. It was a pretty steady drip, I would say a drop per second and I leaked maybe half quart in a few minutes. I know this is pretty vague but I am hoping someone knows this scenario. I drove again today about 8 miles, no leak. I jacked up the rear end after parking to simulate the angle, no leak. I will post photos of leak area tomorrow. Thx
Joined: Mon Oct 10 2005, 06:00PM
Location: 5000 ft above sea level
Posts: 1529
Photos of the car do not help. Photos of the frame or area it is coming from may. It doesn't make much sense to me, Any fuel line goes up the passenger rail. Welcome!