Some of you may know Derek and his car from the For C Bodies Only website. Derek a/k/a CanCritter has put me in touch with the person who bought the shop that made the stripes for Derek's white '71 GT with a gold stripe. Using Derek's template, I am having some sets of the '71 Sport Fury GT stripe kits made. Derek's template/computer program is spot on according to anyone who has seen his car (I have not seen it in person but have seen photos).
The pre-order and pre-paid price for a white stripe kit is $450.00 Plus shipping.
The pre-order and pre-paid price for a black stripe kit is $550.00 Plus shipping but I think I can get that price down if I can get at least a couple of orders for black stripe kits.
There will be a cost for shipping these in bulk to me and then for me shipping them to you via USPS Priority Mail. Shipping will need to be paid once I take delivery of the stripe kits.
The kits will be made on the correct 3M vinyl. Derek has helped put this together and I cannot thank him enough for his help.
If you need or will need one of these kits, now is the time to buy one. Phoenix does not want to make them and will only make a run of 10 kits at a time at a higher price and based on feedback that I have received, anybody else that makes them have either the size or font of the GT letters wrong or the spacing in the stripes wrong.
I am only going to do this once so put the word out.
If you want a kit you need to contact me ASAP and you need to be able to get the money to me soon by check, money order, cash or PayPal but with PayPal you have to cover the fees as I am NOT making anything on pre-orders (but will accepts tips LOL).
This is a one time deal based on have several sets of each made.
I know that this time of year is not a great time to be spending money on car related items with the Holidays upon us but I just got the pricing today and need to get an order placed before the end of the year. I have been working on getting these stripe kits made by someone for several months.
If you have any concerns about dealing with me, look at my feedback on eBay - FURYGT or check with Billy Fury, Polara71 or Fury Pursuit. I would be happy to talk to you or email or whatever but understand that I am just the guy putting this together and am not the one making the stripes.
Questions are welcomed. PLEASE DO NOT PM ME as I don't have the time to visit this site often. Click on my avatar for my email address and please email me instead. Thank you.