Joined: Mon Oct 10 2005, 06:00PM
Location: 5000 ft above sea level
Posts: 1529
I am . A ugly four door with no options. Granted, it appears to be in GREAT condition. Not many people willing to part with eleven grand on a low optioned dumpster green C sedan. Not even me and I bleed Polaras.
Joined: Mon Oct 10 2005, 06:00PM
Location: 5000 ft above sea level
Posts: 1529
It doesn't need to be on the road frequently. A couple thousand miles a year at most. That's a nice one too Fred. It shouldn't bring too much, 7750 I could see 5. . This polara though, it's all wrong for the price.
Joined: Sun Oct 09 2005, 11:42PM
Location: Waddell Arizona
Posts: 820
Well the "dumpster green" Polara sold within an hour and the "nice" blue Newport apparently hasn't sold in almost a month. I guess people have different opinions as to what is desirable.
Joined: Mon Oct 10 2005, 06:00PM
Location: 5000 ft above sea level
Posts: 1529
I'd like to know where it is. Did it go to a flipper or old car lot or did someone pick it up because they had to have it? If you see it on the pages let us know.
It certainly could have been a gotta have car for someone.
Joined: Sun Oct 09 2005, 11:42PM
Location: Waddell Arizona
Posts: 820
polara71 wrote ...
I'd like to know where it is. Did it go to a flipper or old car lot or did someone pick it up because they had to have it? If you see it on the pages let us know.
It certainly could have been a gotta have car for someone.
I am keeping my eye out for it. I'm expecting to see it advertised by Gateway or one of the other high dollar dealers.