NOTE: This is a temporary article. A more detailed document is in the works. Thanks to Jazzandmoparguy for putting this together.
Disc brake conversion info for 65-66 C-Body
For non Autopilot equipped cars, one can use any 69-73 C-Body dual res disc master cylinder. For autopilot equipped cars, use master cylinder number 1475. This master has a casting number 2226 821 on the bottom, original application 1968 Charger with disc/drum, 10" rear brakes. It is nice and skinny, and the big plus is that it has outlets on the passenger side, and won't interfere with the Autopilot control head mounting brackets. You will have to re-form the Autopilot throttle arm around the master, and notch the top edge of the bracket to clear the master cylinder cover. There is another master substituted for the same number with outlets on both sides, with the drivers side ones plugged. It is much wider, and will still interfere with Autopilot brackets. Make sure the one you get has the correct casting number on the bottom. Use 65-68 C-Body disc brake Bendix dual diaphragm booster.
For 66-68 column shift cars, one must use this booster to avoid booster interference with the column shift linkage. 65's have cable shifted trans, so no problem using a later booster. As well, if you have a console shift or four speed, 65-68, you can use any 65-73 disc booster. Don't use the drum brake booster, as it does not have enough boost to completely energize discs, and will leave you without enough stopping power in an emergency....just where you need it! Yes, I know some have used the drum booster, and yes it works, but the factory did use a different booster, and for good reason. Use 69-70 metering/prop valve and separate check valve, or 71-73 C-Body combination metering/prop/check valve.
Note: 69-70 used two pieces, a brass combination tee and metering block, which sits on the drivers side subframe rail under the master cylinder, and further forward, a front brake antilock check valve. This check valve prevented front wheel lock up on icy/slippery surfaces when very light brake pedal pressure was applied, with only the rear brakes slowing the vehicle. This allowed the front wheels to continue rotating and steering. Anything over 60 psi forced this check valve open and allowed the front brakes to work. It is not necessary to use the check valve if the car is not going to be winter driven. These two pieces were combined into one unit in 1971. Re-use rear hard line from prop valve. Make new hard lines from master cylinder to prop valve. Make new or re-form front hard lines from prop valve to check valve, or if not using it, to the front flex lines. Use new front flex lines for 69-73 C-Body with discs. Use 69-72 disc brake spindles, 69-73 calipers, backing plates, shields and hardware. Use your existing 65-73 drum brake ball joints. Use your existing upper and lower control arms.
Optional: replace existing spindles with 1973 C-Body spindles to be able to use the 1973 rotors and bearings. Apparently these rotors are more available due to use in vans etc up to mid 80's
73 rotors and bearings can only be used with 1973 spindles. The 73 rotor numbers are: Raybestos PG Plus line - 7018 Raymold line - 107018 Aimco line - 7018rgs Bendix - 141072 The 73 bearings are: Inner - BCA - A17 Outer - BCA - A16 69-72 rotors and bearings can be used on any C-Body disc brake spindle 69-72. 69-72 disc brake spindles can be swapped into any 65-73 drum brake C-Body to facilitate the disc conversion, using the original drum brake upper and lower ball joints. It is recommended that one replace used ball joints with new ones. The 69-72 rotor numbers are: Raybestos PG Plus - 7012 Bendix - 141047 The 69-72 bearings are: Inner - BCA - A6 Outer - BCA - A2 The calipers are identical 69-73.
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