It used to be we could go down to the parts counter and ask for about anything for your beloved Mopar and be reasonably confident we would receive a quality part. Well, at least some of us can remember that far back. Today's global economy and increasing pressure to make the stock holders happy has caused corners to be cut. Even some of the brands we once considered top tier have fallen in quality. Enter Just Suspension.
Just Suspension specializes in, well... suspensions. While they do provide parts for those other brands, they really cater to Mopars, including C Bodies. Most of their suspension parts are custom built to their own design and specs in the Midwest, yeah, the USA!
In an effort to raise awareness of quality, safety and the value of their parts, they have provided some cut away images. They regularly purchase and dissect competitor's parts to make sure their designs are top notch. Below are the cut aways of their upper ball joint for a C Body and the current Moog part. Note that the pictured Moog design is the same thing they are currently seeing in other no name Chinese parts.
At first glance, it might be hard to spot the superior design, it was for me. That was until the materials were explained. The top unit is the Just Suspension part and the lower is the Moog part. Here is a further breakdown of the parts.
Just Suspension has provided the following technical points:
1) JS fully machines the cases internally and externally, not just the wear surface. This makes for more precise fitment into the control arms (upper) or spindle (lower).
2) Only the wear surface of the JS part is heat-treated (the blue part), whereas other typical BJ's go the cheap route and heat treat the entire case. The benefit is that the non-heat treated areas (the control arm mounting areas) remain malleable and won't crack. This helps the ball joint stay in place, and keeps the arm from cracking.
3) The JS Ball-studs have twice the number of grease journals vs. the other, enabling more consistent lubrication.
4) JS uses spring steel pre-load springs & washers, whereas the other uses plastic. (these parts are the flat cupped metal washers on the JS part and the big black doughnut on the other). Further, JS has a machined ball stud seat (the part between the top of the ball stud and the flat cupped spring washers). These parts are the most important pieces in the ball joint. The spring steel spring-washers provide more durable and consistent pressure on the ball stud as the suspension travels. Also, the ball stud seat concentrates that pressure on the central rotating axis of the stud, reducing friction and making the travel of the stud more consistent throughout the range. The plastic doughnut covers the entire upper surface of the ball joint, increasing friction and actually resisting movement as pressure increases. It also wears out faster.
The net result is that the plastic tensioner will provide mushier & less precise handling and ride characteristics. That will require more steering inputs/changes, cause a more vague/wallowy ride, and slow slalom times due to slower suspension reactions. In essence, the JS design makes the car feel and perform more like a newer vehicle.
5) JS seals the case with an o-ring (making it water tight), whereas the other simply knurls the case closed (allowing water to seep in).
6) The JS grease zerk mounts directly to the ball stud seat (it pokes up through the larger opening in the case seal). The other simply has a hole in the case seal. This means the JS design allows grease to travel directly to the ball stud surface and then squishes around the case. The other has to squish around the rubber doughnut and through the center hole to finally arrive at the ball stud.
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