Joined: Sun Feb 26 2006, 08:46PM
Location: Kingston,Ontario
Posts: 5622
It is -33*C outside with the wind chill factor and the Boat garage is like a refrigerator.I had not worked in there since it is now converted to winter storage space and it full.
So,it is time to do some small projects that can be done inside the house without getting in trouble with the wife. I have quite a bit of trim that needs to be cleaned and detailed. Since the last time I wrote I have scored tons of NOS again for the BoaB. Including NOS tail light lenses both the red and white ones! So with thanks to Azblackheni for shipping the mint Arizona taillight housings,and Steve for holding them in Joisey 'til I picked them up in August past. My original tail light housings are corroded and the trim is badly pitted. Toast. So here in detail is how I rebuilt my tail lights. Once again,many thanks to Scott and all those who have been following this thread. I am hoping this is the year the car gets completed.
Joined: Sun Feb 26 2006, 08:46PM
Location: Kingston,Ontario
Posts: 5622
From years of exposure and also from polishing,the black detail gets worn. This is where you spend mucho time--taping up the chrome in preparation for piant.
Joined: Sun Feb 26 2006, 08:46PM
Location: Kingston,Ontario
Posts: 5622
I would have preferred an airbrush,but aspray-bomb will do. Using a flat black paint,spraying very light coats. Too thick and it will lift with the tape.
Joined: Sun Feb 26 2006, 08:46PM
Location: Kingston,Ontario
Posts: 5622
The tricky part is.. remove the tape as soon as possible before the paint sets. Again,failure to do so will result in the paint lifting with the tape. this piece is complicated since there is so much tape involved and so many angles. Should it dry,use an X-acto knife and go along the edge of the tape before peeling it off. This will break the edge and the tape will come off without taking the paint with it. Shown here after the tape is removed.Shiny chrome with fresh black-out detail.