The people at 440 source do not want to take any responsibility when you buy a product from them,or give you any instruction sheet and at least ball park info with a product you buy from them.Case in point,external oil pump adapter,I buy all the parts need to install this part,gaskets,bolts,regulator,seals and install the unit after re-aligning the pump,as none of the bolts go through,I guess they can,t afford 4 3/8 bolts to align the pump and adapter,some 4$ or so,really big expense.It has a new filter,oil,8 quarts ready to rock and roll,start the engine and bring the engine up to 1500rpm oil guage goes past 100PSI and blows out the oil filter and dump all the oil into my trailer,shut it off within seconds and start the clean up.So what the f#$k happened??? After clean up,1 hour of rags and kitty litter,towels,it,s time to see what happen.I will get all new oil filter and put back the stock plug it came with and look at the adjustable regulator.I think I found the problem!The adjustable regulator that they put together the adjusting screw is all the way in,maxed out for the highest pressure you can get,NOTE,there are NO paper instruction at all for any thing,the pump,adjuster,nothing,but two sheets to buy more parts from them.My oil gauge is sitting now at 20PSI,the engine is not running,so that,s toast.I call them and they don,t want anything to do with helping the issue,I am lucky this happen in the trailer and not the track,15,000$ engines are not sold at walmart.The manager brandon at 440 seems to be a clown and want,s to push every thing back on the buyer,so I am warning you guys now,beware of this shop and the dealings,mrmopartech
I already had the oil pump installed and tried to install the shaft but it would not fit into the oil pump. I thought the hexes would not align for the hex-drive end on the shaft to slip into the socket on the pump. So I removed the oil pump and installed the shaft, then tried to reinstall the pump. Now the pump would not go on.
I removed the shaft again and inspected it. The hex on the end was ground by hand and was so poorly done there was no way it would have fit into the oil pump!
Joined: Tue Nov 07 2006, 11:35AM
Location: There, not here
Posts: 114
Jesus Christ dude, don't you know what punctuation and spacing is? How about a new paragraph to make it easier to read through your frustration. There's 2 sides to every story and your not telling yours! Good Luck
Joined: Sat Apr 29 2006, 05:11PM
Location: Cincy
Posts: 269
So I will start by saying that I would never use 440 Source, but folks have used their stuff successfully. I know people that have their stroker kits in their big blocks and they went together well.
But you have to remember that 440 Source is a low cost alternative. As a result, don't expect fantastic customer service and don't expect everything to fit. As far as the distributor drive, I would never think about buying one from 440 Source for any motor - too much risk.
Over the past 2 years I built 2 big blocks. My 505 CI street and strip motor made 713 hp/709 torque and my 574 CI race motor just got finished and made 1060 hp/838 torque. Trust me - I don't consider 440 Source stuff for my motors - anywhere on the motor or in the motor or not even near the motor.......
Jesus Christ dude, don't you know what punctuation and spacing is? How about a new paragraph to make it easier to read through your frustration. There's 2 sides to every story and your not telling yours! Good Luck
Joined: Sat Aug 19 2006, 05:03PM
Location: Ontario, Canada
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stubs300 wrote ...
Jesus Christ dude, don't you know what punctuation and spacing is? How about a new paragraph to make it easier to read through your frustration. There's 2 sides to every story and your not telling yours! Good Luck
Someone finally posts something real on here instead of spammers and you have to slag them for not conforming to your writing standards? You're not new here and neither is Mrmopartech. You ought to know by now that every post from Mrmopartech is written like that, and also that English is not his first language.
To stubs300,Please confirm that you as a very educated man are in fact a English and writing expert for what collage and what university in what state.I would then ask for your email to order your English and writing program that you sell to improve every one skills to help them,and please prove to the members your skill by writing a small shack spear section we can see how it,s done,yours truly ,the unskilled members of Cbodydrydock, I order hooked on phonics have a bad spelling day.
Joined: Tue Nov 07 2006, 11:35AM
Location: There, not here
Posts: 114
Mrmopartech wrote ...
To stubs300,Please confirm that you as a very educated man are in fact a English and writing expert for what collage and what university in what state.I would then ask for your email to order your English and writing program that you sell to improve every one skills to help them,and please prove to the members your skill by writing a small shack spear section we can see how it,s done,yours truly ,the unskilled members of Cbodydrydock, I order hooked on phonics have a bad spelling day.
Stubs,your last responce clears up every thing about you,and I now know your mind set.I would take it,you did not get a covid shot or two? As some people can live through any type of medical problem,right frank.